The final 8D audio result is similar to the one you would feel walking through the streets with headphones on. Further, a reverb effect is also added to make it seem like the audio is coming from a live concert. With 8D audio, this rotating audio structure simulates the feel of moving circles around your head, fully immersing you in the experience. You can pan the sound all the way to the left or the right or, you can choose a specific sound to be played by one or the other earphone. Take your regular headphones, they have two physical channels: left and right. For the uninitiated, panning is the ability to distribute the sound on different audio channels.

Essentially, the 8D audio sound is created when an automated panning effect alternating from left to right is added to the final mix of a song. The term 8D music, or 8D audio refers to the effect some producers are using in the post-production process. Meet Sam Fischer, the Aussie Musician with Over 1 Billion TikTok Views But before we delve into the best 8D audio songs to check out, it pays to know what to look out for. If you are a bit of an audiophile, 8D music provides a unique listening experience, one that transports you to a different time, place and world something we can all get behind in these strange times. It could be the fact that most of us now have a decent chunk of time on our hands, thanks to lockdown restrictions, to fully immerse ourselves in music. The relatively new phenomenon has been slowly filtering through streaming platforms and websites for the past few years, however, it’s taken a while for the 8D music trend to really take off. In the digitised world of film, gaming and entertainment, numbers mean things, and while we love 3D and 4K, the team at Man of Many is currently going nuts for 8D music. Love watching a movie on the big screen? Try watching it in 3D. We know that when it comes to entertainment, the more dimensions the better.